Age of system components…

Your system landscape contains a lot of components. For security and compliance it is important to keep the system in good shape with regards to patches and updates.

SAP Focused Run can help you with the check on the age of your system components;

  1. Tactical dashboard
  2. Configuration validation rule

Tactical dashboard

The first method to check for component age is the use of the tactical dashboard. The highlights are explained in this blog.

Result of the tactical dashboard for components:

In the threshold settings you can fine tune the levels to give warning or red flag:

Remark: this function works for ABAP and JAVA systems. Not for other SAP products.

Configuration validation rule

From the text below or from the github site of Focused Run you can download this policy:

COMPONENT like '%' and VERSION like '%' and SP_REL_DATE != '' and <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Exclude software components for which SP_REL_DATE is empty
Version: 002
Date:    July 16 2021
<targetsystem xmlns:xsi="" desc="Age of component level" id="AGE_COMP" multisql="Yes" version="0000" xsi:schemaLocation="csa_policy.xsd">
  <!-- Basic -->
  <configstore name="COMP_LEVEL">
    <checkitem desc="Age of Component Level - ABAP" id="ABAP.AGE_COMP.01" not_found="ignore" system_attributes="SYSTEM_TYPE:ABAP">
      COMPONENT like '%' and VERSION like '%' and SP_REL_DATE != '' and (add_days(current_date,-730)) &lt; (CASE WHEN SP_REL_DATE like_regexpr '^\d{8,8}$' THEN SP_REL_DATE WHEN SP_REL_DATE = 'NEWER' THEN CURRENT_DATE ELSE '00000000' END)
      COMPONENT like '%' and VERSION like '%' and SP_REL_DATE != '' and not (add_days(current_date,-730)) &lt; (CASE WHEN SP_REL_DATE like_regexpr '^\d{8,8}$' THEN SP_REL_DATE WHEN SP_REL_DATE = 'NEWER' THEN CURRENT_DATE ELSE '00000000' END)
    <checkitem desc="Age of Component Level - JAVA" id="JAVA.AGE_COMP.01" not_found="ignore" system_attributes="SYSTEM_TYPE:JAVA">
      COMPONENT like '%' and VERSION like '%' and SP_REL_DATE != ''and (add_days(current_date,-730)) &lt; (CASE WHEN SP_REL_DATE like_regexpr '^\d{8,8}$' THEN SP_REL_DATE WHEN SP_REL_DATE = 'NEWER' THEN CURRENT_DATE ELSE '00000000' END)
      COMPONENT like '%' and VERSION like '%' and SP_REL_DATE != '' and not (add_days(current_date,-730)) &lt; (CASE WHEN SP_REL_DATE like_regexpr '^\d{8,8}$' THEN SP_REL_DATE WHEN SP_REL_DATE = 'NEWER' THEN CURRENT_DATE ELSE '00000000' END)

Use this to set up a new policy called AGE_COMP (for detailed instructions for setting up new policy, see this blog):

By default the rule is taking 730 days. You can adjust the value as per your needs.

Now you can run the query to get an easy overview across the systems:

Don’t be afraid if you have high number in the beginning; most of the cases this is due to HR components being outdated.

Monitoring Number of Long Running Jobs…

In SAP Focused Run there is no standard way of monitoring number of long running jobs either in System Monitoring or in Job Monitoring

With Job Monitoring you can monitor if a specific job is running for more than specific amount of time, but we can’t monitor if there are more than a specific number of jobs that are running for more than a specific amount of time.

And in System monitoring we can only monitor if there are more than a specific number of cancelled jobs or job in status running but we can’t monitor long running jobs.

Note: To know more about Job Monitoring you can refer to our blog here.

However, the Focused Run Guided Procedure Framework provides a pre-build plugin by which you can create a custom guided procedure to check the number of long running batch jobs in a managed system.


To access Guided Procedures App navigate to Advanced System Management area on the Focused Run launchpad and click on the System Management Guided Procedure App.

Then on the Guided Procedure app navigate to Guided Procedure Catalog page.

On the Catalog Page click on the + button to create a new custom guided procedure.

In the next pop-up screen provide a name and description. Optionally you need to select a package if you want to transport your guided procedures e.g. from DEV Focused Run system to PROD Focused Run system.

Then back in the Guided Procedure Catalog screen click on the guided procedure you just created to open it for editing.

In the guided procedure edit screen click on Edit button.

In the Properties section provide a name for the step and a description as shown below.

Then in the Step Content section click on New button to add a step.

In the next popup select the plugin ABAP Long Running Jobs and provide the threshold for time range as long running Job. You can also specify the graphic type as a table or as a bar chart. After selecting, click on Ok button to continue.

Then Save and Activate the custom guided procedure.

Now your custom guided procedure is available for execution.

Go back to Guided Procedures Instances page to execute your guided procedure. Click on the + button to start a new execution.

In the next popup, select the guided procedure you just created and then click on + button to add managed systems for scope of execution.

After selecting the managed system click on Perform Manually to create the instance of the guided procedure for the selected scope.

Then click on the instance to start the guided procedure page.

Click on Perform to execute the guided procedure.

Now you will see the result as shown below.

For more information regarding available plugins you can refer the SAP documentation here.

Custom metric to check OS signal…

In some cases the OS system will give critical signals to the SAP system that are visible in the ABAP system log. An example is the signal 11.

When this happens, the system is in trouble and you as admin need to check fast to see what is going on to stop the system from full collapse, crash or very poor performance.

You can create a custom monitoring metric to measure and act on this.

Creation of the custom metric for OS signal detection

Create a custom metric following the steps in this blog. The template to be adjusted is the technical instance SAP ABAP 7.10 and higher template.

Don’t forget to tick it on for monitoring otherwise it is not active.

In expert mode create a custom metric.

Create technical name Z_METRIC_OS_SIGNAL_RECEIVED:

In the data collection:

Data to enter: RFC on diagnostics agent (push). Select ABAP System Log Stats. Filter on MSG_ID QoE. This captures severe errors for OS signals.

Define the threshold for alerting:

And assign the metric to the system message alert group:

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