Trend analysis for configuration and security analytics…

Since Focused Run 3.0 feature pack 2 a new FIORI tile is present: trend analysis for configuration and security analytics:


For the policy to work, you first need to schedule it in the policy management tile. Select the policy and press the Configure button:

On the popup screen press the Edit button:

Set the scheduling frequency and save the data.

Use of the trend analysis

Opening the trend analysis tile starts with the overview screen:

You can change the timeframe of the analysis and scope with the normal icons top right.

Selecting a policy will open the trend graph below:

Below that graph are the details for the systems:

Organizational use of the trend analysis

The trend analysis can be used to quickly see for your important security policies how the situation is developing.

When strengthening the policies, you will see many non compliant systems initially. Often some sandboxes, or development systems are forgotten. The trend analytics will spot it, and you can act on it.

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